Monday, December 6, 2010

Our new place!

Not sure why I haven't shared these yet, but I thought my mom and auntie might like to see where we're living now. Here are just a few pictures of our new place.

Our kitchen. Complete with our "and they lived happily ever after" sign that Renee brought all the way back from Ireland.

Our guest bathroom. I've often thought about writing an "ode to our second bathroom". It's been life changing, really.

Our new dinner table and chairs. I am my mother's daughter because maybe (just maybe) it took me 3 weeks to decide on chairs to go with the table. And maybe (just maybe) we literally didn't have anything to sit on because I sold our chairs on craigslist before the new table came. Indecisiveness can really get ya sometimes.

And...ta da! Our Christmas tree this year! Complete with popcorn garland (because our ornaments are in California), last year's Christmas picture, and a red velvet bow on top.

Soon I'll take pictures of our second bedroom. To entice you all to come visit. ;)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A New York Thanksgiving...

New York enchants me every time I visit. This time, we spent our Thanksgiving holiday there with sweet friends. We went to the Thanksgiving Day parade, saw the Bruins play at Madison Square Garden, went out for a fancy dinner (that was generously paid for by a complete stranger sitting next to us!), and saw a Broadway show. More pictures to come, but I thought I would share this little video to show you just how close we were to those beloved New Yorkers on Thanksgiving Day. I really do love this city.

Macy's Day Parade from Kristin Bishop on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Viva Vieques!

Currently dreaming of Isla de Vieques, an island off of Puerto Rico and our official honeymoon location!
We will be staying here... (9 days! 8 nights!)
Eating here...

Doing this...

and this...

And yes, it has been a year plus since we were married, and yes, I will tell everyone we meet that we are honeymooning.
February, you can't come soon enough.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Its never too late for a honeymoon.

Joe and I have been scheming the last couple weeks to plan a honeymoon. When we were married, we had a "minimoon" (perfect, of course, just a bit too short) and always said we'd go on a bigger trip after I was done with school. Now, we have officially been bit by the travel bug.
We're the kind of couple that likes to go off the beaten path, but we're desperately needing time to slow down, sit down, and relax. What are your favorite vacation spots?
p.s.- J, I will never forget when we left at 4:00am at the end of our minimoon so I could make it back to class by 7:30am. What a husband you were already! And an even better one today.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We took a short trip to Boston last weekend. We caught the last bit of the fall colors, and visited our favorite places (ok, maybe my favorite places?!) in Harvard's Square. It was definitely chilly, (for us, anyway) and so with just that little taste of cold air I'm fully intending to hibernate for the winter.

p.s.-Did I tell you yet how wonderful it is to have our weekends back? Joe and I have never even known each other when one of us wasn't in school. We love school, but we sure do love each other more.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

we love DC

we thought it appropriate to stay in theme this halloween with our pumpkins. you know, with our new city and all. husband's handiwork is on the right, mine is on the left. we had apple cider, caramel popcorn, and I played the "monster mash" from my iTunes to get us in the Halloween spirit. (yes, I do own that song. weird, i know.)
regardless of your political leanings (we happen to be a bipartisan household), there's nothing like living in our nation's capital in the fall. we are so blessed.
p.s.- don't forget to get out and vote!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Apple of my eye

We took an hour's drive into Maryland to pick our very own apples(!) this past weekend. Quite the concept for these two California kids. (I'm afraid to admit that as we were driving, Joe and I both realized we had never seen apples growing on trees or spinach growing from the ground.) The weather was crisp as we walked through the rows of trees to pick only the best ones. I decided this is a fall tradition I could definitely get used to.

We love you, fall. Just don't let winter push you out too soon, ok? Thanks.